This course touches on human communication behavior. The focus is on cognitive and social processes that underlie human communication. The course looks at the nature and development of language, emphasizing speech production and comprehension, and the role of nonverbal behaviours in functional communication. Aspects of communication from the social psychology point of view will be discussed. These will include attitude change, social influence, attraction, aggression and conflict.

This course will cover the introduction to the scientific study of industrial and organization psychology on improving the effectiveness and fairness of human resources management decisions. It seeks to determine people behavior at workplace. It covers various personnel issues such as job analysis and evaluation method; challenges and procedures in selection of personnel, staff training, work motivation, job stress and job satisfaction. Students will be introduced to work groups in organization and the various working conditions as well as human factors.


This course aims to provide students with the knowledge necessary to explain and optimize human development. This course takes a life-span perspective, exposing student to the goals and theories in developmental study, as well as the characteristics and major tasks of individuals at each phase of the life span: prenatal, birth, infancy, toddlerhood, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and the final phase of dying and death. This course also provide students to identify of the basic principles and processes of heredity.




Students in this course will be trained to understand the purpose of psychological tests, how the tests are constructed, and the standards needed to ensure that a test is reliable and valid. They also need to understand the various issues surrounding test usage and construction. Finally, the students will need to be able to administer, score and write reports on psychological tests.