This course consists of discussion that integrates the knowledge of endocrine system and the clinical aspects. The course starts with discussion on introduction on endocrinology, development and followed by anatomical structural aspects, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, pathology and clinical aspects of the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, and pancreas. Core knowledge which includes the common endocrine diseases is discussed with respect to their symptoms and pathophysiology. The principle of management will be discussed briefly. Core knowledge will also be discussed in case studies and problem based learning (PBL) sessions. Practical sessions involve gross anatomy, histology, and histopathology and students are expected to identify the structures and demonstrate basic laboratory skills for histopathological assessments. 




1.            Hypo/Hyperpituitarism

2.            Gigantism / Acromegaly 

3.            Diabetes Insipidus & SIADH 

4.            Diabetes Mellitus 

5.            Hypo/Hyperthyroidism (Myxoedema/Cretinism) 

6.            Hyper/Hypo Parathyroidism 

7.            Hyper/Hypo Cortisolism 

8.            Cushing’s Disease/Syndrome & Addison’s Disease 

9.            Phaeochromocytoma

10.         Stress Related Diseases