
This course will provide the concepts and principles in the following subjects of physics: Measurement and Uncertainty, Kinematics in 1-dimension, Dynamic and Newton’s Law of Motion, Momentum and Collision, Work and Energy, Temperature & Heat and Fluids Mechanics and Thermodynamics.

After completing this course, student would be able to:

CLO1   Explain the fundamental laws of physics. (LO1, C2)

CLO2   Demonstrate good communication skill in presenting the SCTL topics. (LO5, A5)

CLO3   Apply suitable theories and knowledge to solve problems of physics regarding daily life application. (LO6, C3)


·         Formative: presentations and quizzes during sessions

·         Summative:

-       Continuous assessment  50% (these consist of mid semester assessment (20%), Assignment (5%),SCTL (10%) and quiz (15%),)

-       Final / end-of-course assessment (50%)  [these consist of written assessments with the following question types: MCQ 10%), long answer questions (essay – 20 %) and short answer questions (SAQ – 20%)].